The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A gift I received today *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*meow〜meow(=^ェ^=)

我好好学习天天向上是为了不辜负自己的未来 我不循规蹈矩言听计从是为了不辜负自己的青春

梦幻的南瓜车,但现实的灰姑娘无法真的坐在里面... >.<真漂亮!!

【爱上天蝎座的人请看 】



My everyday thing that is a must that I can't live without(^ω^)

Thursday, April 11, 2013


My feeling today is some time most people dun understand there a lot time when people start giving you all kind of reason just to say no in a way so not to hurt your feeling after rejecting you =_= but most of de time I hide more den saying it out .. I'm just never that kind of people who force myself to do thing I'm not willing to do . But if come to helping people who really needed my help I'm most wiling as I always believe I'm born to be a giver(*^_^*) and people whom I help most is women and maid that been hurt by love cos I've been through all kind of pain being hurt through de max and I nearly die and have return from die... And now I live , love and enjoy to be single to my max . Now I really believe we de old ppl use to say "once I return from dead our luck and life will change" and it really did. And hope thing will get even better .
