The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Friday, July 26, 2013

[JOY RICH] [新歌] 胡鴻鈞 - 明白了(電視劇師父.明白了主題曲)(完整發行版)

緣未到 或者等不到 但我知道
在世間 浮沈中總有命數
緣續了 但痛苦淚流 把笑容消耗
明白了 放下了 等於得到

塵俗當中有太多人 相識過愛不到
人生路 緣和怨 亦有一天衰老
月與影相好 離別那個代價高
逃不掉 那清早

情或愛 是否可終老 未會相告
俗世中 情長短早有定數
含著笑 扮作不在乎 比眼淚恐怖
凡事也 注定了 不需苦惱

塵俗當中有太多人 相識過愛不到
人生路 緣和怨 亦有一天衰老
月與影相好 離別那個代價高
逃不掉 那清早

(Da Da Da Da) 能放底先可開竅
(Da Da Da Da) 能理解愛恨那需要
(Da Da Da Da) 得不到也沒缺少
(Da Da Da Da) 成長了 明白了


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

This was the pork with sweet and sour kurozu sauce (black vinegar). It kind of feels like the Chinese sweet-and-sour pork but this was much nicer. It was slightly tangy and very appetising. The pork was quite fatty. Usually, I would abandon the chunks of fats off the pork or chicken. But as I bit into the pork, the fats from the pork and the black vinegar sauce were a heavenly combination. The burst of flavour in my mouth cannot be described with words. Since I rarely ate red meat, I thought I’ll just give it a go this time round. There was also a huge pile of fresh salad vegetables that came with a tiny jug of sesame dressing. I like:)

I like Ootoya:) The next time when I come, I want to try the Mixed Grain Soymilk Porridge. It feels like good old home-cooked comfort food. Quite a few people were raving about the soymilk porridge too. Ootoya menu comes with the calories of the food being served in the restaurant too. It is definitely good for people who are calories conscious!  Hmm, but I heard that some commented that the food served at Ootoya is MSG-laden and that the japanese are known to love to put the magical MSG into their food. Is it true? Because I am definitely not one who can tell if the food contains MSG.

The Ootoya branch at Orchard Central

This was the scallop rice.  The set came with another bowl of really nice and home-cooked tofu stew with vegetables and chicken. It was nice. The food they serve here feels really home-cooked. They call it ” no frills ” teishoku ( 定食 ). Definitely not like those generic bento sets at those cookie cutter japanese restaurants in Singapore, like Sakae and Ichiban.

休假日在家玩网络遊戲和喝我最爱的果汁(=^x^=)meow〜meow要冬眠咯 (_ _).。o○

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. 你生活有多幸福取决于你思想的质量。


Friday, July 05, 2013

說一句(Once Said)

不痛 不敢覺得痛
你也許 介意我 千瘡百孔
有誰願意 重複愛著誰
有緣無份 何苦再受罪
今天沒有你 便來一些花絮
止住了 每次心碎
哪一個比你好 比你差 緊要嗎
說一句放下了 心裡邊 更牽掛
普天下愛戀 誠實或者欺詐
總之有人來陪我 別問那一線之差會找到比你好 比你差 緊要嗎
我給你撇下了 爭氣點 學愛得高雅
體恤求愛者 無謂太早醜化
閒聊談笑 但是說到將來 我怕
愛情玩意 曾輸到盡頭
別來無恙 傻得我念舊
心中還有你 就如不解的咒
怎樣看 也看不透
哪一個比你好 比你差 緊要嗎
說一句放下了 心裡邊 更牽掛
普天下愛戀 誠實或者欺詐
總之有人來陪我 別問那一線之差
會找到比你好 比你差 緊要嗎
我給你撇下了 爭氣點 學愛得高雅
體恤求愛者 無謂太早醜化
閒聊談笑 但是說到將來 我怕
我問 應該怎麼接吻
哪一個比你好 比你差 緊要嗎
說一句放下了 心裡邊 更牽掛
幾多場痛哭 其實值得哭嗎
躲不了重頭來過 別望那消散煙花
去找個比較好 不太差 便成功嗎
我可以幼稚到 扮成熟 望遠方落霞
可惜還有心 無謂看得很化
從來情愛 就是最老的謎對嗎