The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Feeling Low Moral

Business have been bad this two month and my Boss have given her remark about my branch sales drop and i'm feeling not just unwell but also stress to de max and i'm really feeling  low moral in my work.
And I find it hard to concentrate when working not just cos of the medicine I'm taking but also the pressure that i'm not preforming well in work or hard to stay awake while working and taking my medicine at the same time.
God please give me the power to overcome all problem i'm facing now and prove myself that I can do it even without  anyone help!
I'm loosing  the like in my job due to the dislike to my staff as they are older and hard to control and harder to teach in all way and that is making me so so tired just thinking  of my work .
I dun mind being busy but i can't stand feeling hopeless in everything i'm doing in my life.
Think that all i'm gonna write for today about my problem and feeling...pls follow me if you wanna know more about me or if you like me...see ya !!

Bii (playlist)

陽光 在我的心裡 
溫暖 不再失去 因為有你 
時間不會停 但我們會前進 走到底

星星 在我的眼睛
看見 美的畫面 全都是你
我努力練習 捕捉你的身影 
小心 不讓 你離去

I know 思念會繼續
I know 悲傷都會 變成過去
然後 我們的愛 蒸發空氣 靜靜地呼吸

I know 故事會繼續
I know 遺憾都會 留在過去
最後 我們的愛 變成空氣 輕輕地呼吸

秘密 在夜裡偷襲 來得很小心
扎進我的 腦海裡
看不見 就算夢 不會實現
我只想要 在你身邊

心累的时候,换个角度看世界;压抑的时侯,换个环境深呼吸;困惑的时候,换个 角度去思考;犹豫的时候,换个思路去选择;郁闷的时候,换个环境找快乐,烦恼 的时候,换个思维去排解, 抱怨的时候,换个方法看问题;自卑的时候,换个想 法去对待。换个角度,世界就是另外的样子。

Monday, September 16, 2013

Once again I've fall sick......

After few day of suffering from flu , body aching and Migraine I finally give in and went to consult doctor. I was given a day of sick leave to rest at home.This time it's really very suffering for me.As i was unable to stay a wake when working in my office as I was on painkiller to stop the that migraine had given to me.

After doctor i went home and slept for a whole day but feeling better due the the new painkiller that was given to me by my first time doctor.

I'm feeling very thankful for making me less pain but I'm feeling the drowsiness of the medicine effect once it kick off..And it have make me sleep the whole day at home....Still feeling bad for taking sick leave on my working day.

I've been good by playing less "Hay Day " on my Mobile
and letting my body and brain rest fully for a day. I feeling the bitterness due to the medicine i'm taking and i wanna eat  something sweet ... anything that is sweet to ley me feel the sweetness...Hope i'll get better fast... jia you!!!

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Emotionally tired after giving chance ....

Have you even feel tired with everything in your life and the feeling is like that you have lived too long on earth and lost you way... The only thing that keep me moving is my family and my love for my dearest mommy and daughter. 
Sometime I really wonder having a daughter must it mean I got to be married??
The true is I use to believe in love and believe in the future someone have make for me with lie that I never know til I fall so hard that I nearly loose my life and give up myself in 2011 but family love and understanding save my life and make me stronger then I use to be.
Now there still time that i'm down but it will never be as bad as before after I have fall so hard.
Now I'm working hard to reach my dream that is to give my mommy and baby a better life and also to  prove myself that I can do better and live better to all who had hurt me so deep before.
But I know after what that have happen in 2011 I have be very weak in health and falling sick almost most of my time and I have give up on clubbing my favorite hobby for sometime. Now I really feel like dacing hard for a day to let go....Wanna join me anyone??

