The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

29 Nov 2018 Raining day

Today was an day with heavy rain when I am out to settle my Embassy submittion and once again i bring nothing along with me to keep myself from getting wet and the cab are not allow to drive into the embassy so i got to run thought the rain to get into the cab.
But I manage to settle everything in less than half a day.
I went shopping around after reaching wheelock but was not really in shopping mood as the rain have make me headache once again. But i brought some food from my favourita Bakery like I always do if I'm there.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

给自己一个微笑,告诉自己:人不仅活得要像钻石一样闪亮,还要像钻石一样坚强!!不唯唯诺诺、不杞人忧天。人生就是一个磨练的过程,如果没有这些酸甜苦辣,你永远都不会成熟!所以,我们应该在阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,泪水中成长,拼搏中展望,对自己说一声:昨天挺好,今天很好,明天会更好! ​​ ​​​

27 Nov 2018 feeling n thought

Working on sick what to do as is my own's fine to spend time at my so call second home.But last night in total i woke up for 5 time even Imyself don't understand why do I woke up ? Too stress? Block nose? or what?
Life is never easy for anyone but we still got to over come and face it no-matter what but I truly believe it will only make me stronger than before. Hope thing will get better after sometime.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Have been down with fever n flu since yesterday but still crawl to office to work but it have been such along time since last I wear jean pant as don't want my flu to go worst as it's better to keep myself warm. Taken my medicine before leaving home to work and had an 1 hour nap after settle my paper work. But luck that I did go to work as my courier from Philippine  with importune document was deliver to my office today therefore i could process the rest of documentation as soon as possible and it will be a great help to improve my business once it done.Now I'm uploading some data to my company system before I can end my working day and go home .

Friday, November 23, 2018

妮琦宝贝 11月22日 21:07 来自 iPhone 活着,傻点,愣点,憨点,简单点就好!!!太精明,太清楚,太明白,伤心,难过,受苦的只会是自己!!!不论是朋友,亲人,都别太较真,糊里糊涂的才能相处下去,谁也不比谁聪明多少,谁也不比谁傻多少,有时候不计较,不生气是因为还有“情”可言,吃亏是福,人生在世不过几十年,又何必因为事和利而斤斤计较,我始终相信好人有好报!!!傻人有傻福

No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and never give up. 不管感觉有多糟,起床,打扮,露面,永不放弃。

23 nov 2018

It have been since along time seen i last really updated here... I have been busy running my own business without  anyone help and it really kind of making me stress up as  a lot of thing happen during  this few week. I learn that not all people can be trusted and word change when its passing through people vs people so it's better to speak directly than listen to other.
As in business it's will cos loosing of money and i truly learn my lesson already and it's a lesson not to forgotten as business wise it better to do it by our-self than depend on other help....Sometime they don't have any bad intention but thing just happen on the process of passing message.
Truly hope Dec 2018 will be good start as Nov 2018my birthday month ,thing have not been up to my expectation and I'm truly stress up.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Halloween Night with Bestie....

It have been since a long time since last I go clubbing on Halloween night. This is also to distress and celebrate Bestie relocated to Yishun Branch to work.