The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

m(_ _)m Call from my dad (-_-)

Afternoon my dad called mobile but I missed his call but in real even if I never miss it will I answer de call?? I told my mommy and first thing she ask was what did he say?Maybe he need help or thing happen but what can I do? I know he's looking for someone to buy a flat with him as by his age he can't apply for HDB or bank loan with our help but there nothing much I can do as my dad is never one that I can trust cos all he think is himself and his women since he change 10year ago. And since den i and my bro is de one who pay for our big house that he force us to sell and nearly make us homeless, Just cos he want de money for himself and his women. Now den he got de taste of homeless and helpless feeling that he put us in a year plus ago. At my most helpless moment in 2010. I was jobless,betrayed by my best friend and was force to sell de house. And I go to tahan everyday seeing alot ppl in and out viewing our house looking at me like display item day to day for more den 3 month. In de other hand going flat after flat just to find a right place my mommy like and feel good living in future. At that time I was also busy looking for a job as I needed alot of money for de new flat we are buying. The worst feeling is de moment when I seeing our big house being take over and getting use in living in a smaller house. But until we are still not use to de smaller house but what choice have he given us at that time? Anyway everything is over and now we are staying in a place fully belong to us and have over come all problem we face. Now all I want is able to give my mommy a better life and seeing her happy that all that mean most to me den anything in my life...

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