The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

It's really over ...and i'm letting go of your everything...

Today is de last drew of everything about you and i'm truly letting de pain and everything about you go ~.
As he will never understand de feeling being treated in de way he is treating me and knowing more and more thing about everything he say and promise is never true since day one we knew, after time to time accepting who he truly is but in return this is what i get ....Anyway that de end of my life time lesson from a liar...who active on face book acting as a Mr Good Guy.... Never believe and accept someone lie cos of love as once a liar forever a liar...... And god will know what i have go thought and understand my feeling, as i have always been true to de one i truly loved and willing to give him 100 percent of my trust until he break my trust and my heart cos of his own selfishness and greed...Think from now i will be with someone who really loved me nor matter whether i love him or not and i know u de one always there for me nor matter how i treated you and you still willing to pamper me in all way..Thanks and i promise to be more fair to you and treat you better..
Feeling so weak and wanna cry so badly now...

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