The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Deep thought about life

Today is a busy Monday since the moment
 I step in to my office, i'm starting to solve the problem of my staff who on leave. And now
 there alot of thing on my mind about relationship all after i spoken to my staff client who send 
his helper back all cos his wife ask him to but 
he pity the helper family back ground but on de other hand unable to do anything as he since to
 be so scare of his wife even after he interview other helper when i asked him whether does he want to take the pic to show his wife? all he reply is it may  cos misunderstand is there any other  women pic in hie phone... Worst part is i asked 
him why does he wanna married when his wife keep and control all his money?? His answer is
 all for his 2 children but keeping the relationship all just cos of the children and never for love really make me feel human is really so pathetic and love really die when time past , marriage is since a scary matter in life as i always feel it's.

Let talk about the helper who being send back by his wife ,who think she's the Queen and who got nothing to do other den looking at the helper using her iPhone 24/7 and letting her eat less den what she needed just cos she dislike her for being fat but why do you confirm the helper from my staff  when you already saw she's fat?? den reject her 
for the same reason ..As to me human are De same nor matter you're rich or poor we should be fair to everyone and help the people who really needed .

I will be fair and the employer of the helper will pay for the way he/she do ,as in Singapore there nothing  free but i had got the power to help or  not to helper in letting them pay less but this time i dun think so as people pay for what the did and human is to be treated fair so i will help the helper in letting her pay nothing in this transfer and her employer will bear the full cost..Sorry to say that even if your wife is gonna scold you are any other thing. She helper came from 2 marriage where her second husband is unable to pay to let her go home due to the loan she taken from they Philippine agency before she came Singapore and there nothing i could do other den finding her a understanding employer , Maybe it's fate she manage to find a employer who is very understand in homesick of every helper who is first timer as they have had helper for many year and they're helper at home is from our company and now they're looking for an additional of they're home . To me it good if she able to work for them cos she may not be so homesick with another Filipino together to help her...But i still choose to give her time to think what she really wanted whether to work or not... Let wish all de best to her...Praying for a better day to everyone i know and love...Goodnight everyone..

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