The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Friday, December 07, 2012

I never a princess since den.....

I'm now living in a world where i work hard and love hard ....As I always believe in only to love de one who truly worth our love, and time can tell whether the one who is after us is true hearted  or a cheater....
In life there  people  who come and also people who leave  but only true friend and ppl who truly love you will stay ...My life is never like other being pamper all de way since born  til now like a princess...I was once princess of my daddy and mommy but everything change after my daddy change his heart and choose to leave our family and nearly make us homeless for other women of his life ,but everything was fine now all credited  to my super mommy who never give up just cos of mother love for us. And now I'm working hard as a branch manager and my own online business ,just wanted to give her a better life . As my mommy have being a good mother and wife who take care of the family and working from 5 am to 7pm when my daddy took all his money for a Indonesian  women and a Malaysian women , the Malaysina women even make his sell our home all for the last amount of money and we use
 to own a big house of 5 room 5 toilet and 
with 2 maid working with us.
But now life is simple but it train me to be a 
better and stronger person.. after seeing too 
much liar in my life and I learn not to believe in word most guy say or promise. As devil will 
not die again for a liar for love....and please help me to pray hard for someone who truly care
 for me as he's in pain this few day without a opp that may not help but cost a bomb... i believe 
in he will be fine...You maybe thinking is he my bf?? Yes,he use to be but love is like sweets it expiry when time pass and feeling  die when time pass and ppl end up become close friend ....Maybe he never even knew it as the true always hurt but i'm just not that kind of gal who wanna hurt other like how other hurt me before... As i truly believe in karma and being kind hearted not for de  sake  of other but what i've born to be ....Think all all for now as it already 2.39am and i dun wish to be seen a wake by my mommy at this time.....Good nite and sweet dream all devil lover ...Miss me ya ;)

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