The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Morning world de heavy rain woke me up so early at 5am and mommy feed me with birdnest again (^_−)−☆我的最爱燕窩。 Having kind of mix feeling today is it cos of de heavy rain outside or my heart and working stress....I've been freaking busy yesterday and I skipped all my meal til I reach home at nearly 10pm after dinner and was chatting with someone who I use to believe he different from other but I'm wrong and all he really care is de way he feel or de way he wanted thing to be and think its de best thing for me. It'll hurt me less so I'll not blame him in de end. Being true to him end up being say by him I'm thinking to high of myself and that I never did as I never feel I'm pretty or whatever.But i still believe in him somehow but i kind of dun noe why too as de feeling i believe in god away there for me...  All I want is to stay true and be myself to de one Iove as I hate ppl who act or never true self as nor matter how u act one day ppl will know and you still be rejected by ppl when they started to know de real you. God and master always say I'm someone who is too easy to believe and trust that why I was always hurt so badly time to time...Most ppl say I must be telling lie not having a boyfriend but it true just love is never a thing I could be in as ppl always started of sweet and end up full of demand that hurt or make me stress.For now think I will stick with my plan to see de world by myself. The bigger problem with me is I always demand 100 percent in everything I do like being someone Gf , my work, being a mother or even being a daughter. To me my way of in love is to be someone world and keep de love going sweet tgt as I'm a romantic and playful gal only to de one i truly loved...I never flirt around or go out just with anyone, as I believe all we need is de right one to build de future and dream tgt not anyone or everyone So for now I will enjoy my freedom of being single and live to make myself pretty and sexier (^_−)−☆ for my future one.

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