The Cinderella Contract

The Cinderella Contract
Love is not being with someone who has the right ''qualifications''. Love is being with someone who is imperfect but you love them anyway.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

*\(^o^)/* 非常開心今天我們*\(^o^)/*

因为今天,有人送給我很多超迷你短裙和超迷你短裤我好爱所有的迷你裤和迷你裙! (^∇^)也因为今天我真的对莫个大壞人以死心也放棄了 ♪(´ε` ) 我也学会了自己真真要的是什么也明白了男人是不会为了爱你而改变的。那麼就像华人的说法狗永远改不了吃屎!哈哈哈! (⌒▽⌒)。
Afternoon  at 2 pm I was shopping with Qiqi and I brought some girly  thing and all Qiqi buy was jelly and I treat her snack and drink as the weather was dame hot here!  at about 4 pm huai ren msg  and I reply as he did'nt reply so i msg him that Go talk to his other gf like what he told me yesterday night as he got many gf. Even after he read my msg he did'nt even reply even de msg on tagged when he online there enjoying himself so that his last chance as that show i mean nothing to him at all and like  de meaning i wrote above in chinese.
Not all guy are willing to change for de gal they love but if they dun, den what de point being with a guy who dun prove  his love and cant stay true, So what a crap he say he's true hearted  to me when he woo me in de first place! Thinking about it make me laugh even to believe his crap...hahaha ^^  maybe that why all his love never last cos he's never true to anyone but only care about his own feeling and how ppl treated him but never see how ppl was treated by his selfishness.
He really needed time to grow up and learn the meaning of being true to de gal his truly love  one day.. All de best to him ba.

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